...on Poetry and Fiction - Just “One Word” Away ("Corona"), editorial by Phyllis P. Colucci at Spillwords.com

…On Poetry and Fiction Just “One Word” Away (“Corona”)

…On Poetry and Fiction

Just “One Word” Away (“Corona”)

written by: Phyllis P. Colucci



One word becomes one idea, becomes one sentence, becomes one poem, becomes one story. It must start from just “one word”. Today my one word is “Corona”.



We’ve learned this past year (2019/2020) that the Corona Crown can be one of great worth, one of great drink and one of great danger. A word that seemed so innocent in the past, has taken on new meaning. Now when we hear the word Corona, we do not think of a majestic crown, or a bottle of golden beer; what we envision is a Virus, the “Coronavirus” – A global pandemic that has wreaked havoc on our world, originating in Wuhan, China. It has caused sickness and death; it has destroyed families, cities and economies. It has isolated us from one another and has introduced us to something we had no desire to ever encounter. Now we live in a “Coronavirus” world, also known as COVID-19, in hopes that we may soon return to normalcy and the wonderful, maskless, virus-free world we lived in prior to the wrath of this demon. This “new normal” is not normal at all.



…The Corona Crown, The Corona Beer, The Corona Virus…
One Earned, One Purchased, and One Contracted
One Radiant, One Pleasant, and One Ugly
One Exquisite, One Satisfying, and One Deadly

You may have all three…
The One you Earn, you must compete for
The One you Purchase, you must simply have a taste for
The One you Contract, you must choose to spend time with

It’s your choice…
Wear the shimmering Corona Crown with pride
Drink the golden Corona Beer with friends
Kick the Corona Virus to the curb

The Crown Earned?  – You may place it upon your head
The Crown Purchased?  – You may raise it to your lips
The Crown Contracted?  – You must keep far away from it –
And hide behind a mask so it doesn’t find you

In the end, The Earned Corona Crown will make you rich in spirit and self-worth
In the end, The Purchased Corona Beer will satisfy your thirst
In the end, The Contracted Corona Virus will sicken you –
and possibly cause your demise

So now that you know their differences…
Which do you desire?
Which will you choose?
Go forth; Live life; Choose wisely; Wear a Mask; Be safe!



The Tale of the “Corona” Virus (Covid-19); a global pandemic, originating in Wuhan, China, has threatened our world, and still rages on as we wait on vaccines, continue to social distance and hide our faces behind masks, in order to survive.

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This publication is part 33 of 59 in the series Just One Word Away