Spotlight On Writers - Linda Joyce Cooper, an interview at

Spotlight On Writers – Linda Joyce Cooper

Spotlight On Writers

Linda Joyce Cooper


  1. Where do you originate from?

I was born in the County of Warwickshire in England of English parents. When I was 12 years old my Mum and Dad took my brother and sisters and myself to live in Australia.
I so much missed the beautiful parks and gardens and open fields of England. It took me a long time to love Australia. In my teenage years my dream was to be a Gypsy, and wear long flowing colourful skirts, big earrings, and flowers in my hair and travel beautiful countryside in a colourful horse drawn caravan.! In my thirties I became interested in Meditation and natural lifestyle, and I have been practising, and teaching as a volunteer ever since. In my working life, I worked in various departments in the Government Public Service as an administration officer and receptionist. I am now retired and continue with teaching Meditation as a volunteer.

  1. What do you cherish most about the place you call home?

I cherish that I am living in a place where I am free enough to spend time with myself in my own space. I cherish that I can share my space with others. I can wander in the garden and tend to and admire the plants and birds. I am surrounded by green lush areas away from home that I can take myself for a walk or a day out by car. I travel by car, plane or bus each year to be with family and friends or for a holiday.

  1. What ignites your creativity?

The feeling to be free. To not be tied to old patterns or ways of thinking, doing, speaking. The opportunity to find creative ways to make others and myself happy. When I feel good in myself and I can let go of things that are troublesome. Listening to music, old and new music. Exploring new places, either walking or driving to a place and enjoying.

  1. Do you have a favorite word and could you incorporate it into a poetic phrase?


I looked for beauty everywhere
In the cupboard and on the chair
In the mirror and in the sky
I looked up and looked down
Nowhere could it be found
I spent the night and the day
I just didn’t know what to say
But Oh dear beauty where are you
Send me a clue
To my surprise my wish came true
I found beauty inside me It is a quality
Something that can’t be seen
With the physical eye
I feel so happy I could cry.

  1. What is your pet peeve?

I prefer to keep a good outlook and not get caught up in negative things. Of course, it’s not easy but I like to try. I focus on looking at the best in people and the world and well as seeing the worst and have empathy and see if I can contribute something to help a situation.

  1. How would you describe the essence of Linda Joyce Cooper?

A loving, kind, friendly person. With a desire to share conversation, music, food, creativity. One who loves the natural world. An adventurous spirit in trying new things, and/or to learn, explore. One who loves silence in Meditation. A teacher who loves to teach meditation and share experience with others. One who is on a path to get to know and love myself better.

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