Spotlight On Writers - Madison Randolph, interview at

Spotlight On Writers – Madison Randolph

Spotlight On Writers

Madison Randolph



  1. Where, do you hail from?
I was born and raised in Oklahoma for the first fifteen years of my life. A few days after my fifteenth birthday, my family moved to Texas and I lived there until I was twenty-two. Being a Southerner has always been important to who I am and even though I call myself an Oklahomian, I truly enjoyed my years in Texas.
  1. What is the greatest thing about the place you call home?

A large portion of both sides of my family live in Oklahoma. I live right around the corner from my brother’s family, my parents, and both sets of my grandparents as well as a few of my cousins, aunts, and uncles. The time I get to spend with the people I love is what makes my life joyful. Christmas is the best time of the year because family from all over come together at my Grandmother’s house. It’s like a mini family reunion each time.

  1. What turns you on creatively?

I always carry with me a journal or a mini notebook that fits in my purse so I’m prepared for when inspiration strikes. I prefer to write flash fiction, and when I want to write, I love to use a random word generator until a word sparks an idea. I might flip through a few words before I find one I like. It’s enough to set the stage without making me feel I have to stay in a box to meet requirements like for longer prompts.

  1. What is your favorite word, and can you use it in a poetic sentence?

I love the word leaf because a group of childhood friends used it as my nickname for a few years. The word also makes me think of the color green and green is my favorite.

Dewdrops cascade down, lingering on the leaves they bend towards the ground and sunlight strikes, reflecting the forest in perfect detail inverted until the final fall.

  1. What is your pet peeve?

I hate bad ink pens. The tips snag on the paper no matter the material and the absolute worst is when the ink comes and goes, leaving gaps in individual letters. To prevent this, I have a favorite pen brand. I use Pilot G-2 gel pen point .05. Unfortunately, the variety of colors stops once the pen size shrinks to .07, but I love how thin the letters appear on the page.

  1. What defines Madison Randolph?

My relationship with Jesus Christ defines me. Every action I take in life I try to predicate on Biblical teachings. I hope one day to write something that shows the love of Jesus or the beautiful teachings in the Bible like how C. S. Lewis did when he wrote the Chronicles of Narnia. Until then, I will keep writing, improving my skill, and praying.

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