Resilience Michelle Ayon Navajas·September 10, 2024Resilience written by: Michelle Ayon Navajas @poetrybymich in the quiet hours, when shadows fall, a heart trembles,...PoetryEnglish·1 min read
The Fleeting Actor Jamie B·September 7, 2024The Fleeting Actor written by: Jamie B In the dim glow of forgotten stages, A soul adrift...PoetryEnglishFeatured Post·1 min read
Sunsets Susan Temple·September 6, 2024Sunsets written by: Susan Temple To feel everything a thousand times is too much. Too immense. To...PoetryEnglish·1 min read
Little Scraps of Love Alin Nagraj·August 29, 2024Little Scraps of Love written by: Alin Nagraj @alin_nagraj Why is it I am always left, Begging...PoetryEnglish·1 min read
No Eye Contact TeaBee·August 27, 2024No Eye Contact written by: TeaBee For a dark reflection, the silhouette will act on its own...PoetryEnglish·1 min read
Breaking The Shells Bernard Ebenezer Essaga·August 23, 2024Breaking The Shells written by: Bernard Ebenezer Essaga Turfed, of sadness they deciphered Grieved, of angst they...PoetryEnglish·1 min read
Washing Shoshana Vegh·July 24, 2024Washing written by: Shoshana Vegh - I've cleaned the house with the tears of the kidnappees...InternationalPoetry·1 min read
I and Myself Molly Wadkins·July 21, 2024I and Myself written by: Molly Wadkins - I met her in the mirror. During my youth she mocked my funny faces...Featured PostEnglishLiterature·8 mins read
Anxiety Shouldn’t Exist Hannah Scott·July 17, 2024Anxiety Shouldn’t Exist written by: Hannah Scott I’m at the reuse fair; I feel so awkward, so...PoetryEnglish·1 min read
To Thrive in Joy or, To Die in Vain Introverted Thoughts·July 10, 2024To Thrive in Joy or, To Die in Vain written by: Deepthy Ajith (Introverted Thoughts) Far too...EnglishPoetry·1 min read
Kashmir My Family, My Dear Sajawal Saleem Paracha·July 8, 2024Kashmir My Family, My Dear written by: Sajawal Saleem Paracha A pregnant woman, once known to herself,...PoetryEnglish·1 min read
Battle Scars Caro Henry·July 2, 2024Battle Scars written by: Caro Henry The hands of war tighten their grip, a symphony of horror...PoetryEnglish·1 min read
Ophelia Celia In Underland·June 30, 2024Ophelia written by: Celia In Underland - Outside, the wind lunges with fervour, roaring with invisible strength. The rain...EnglishLiterature·3 mins read
He Was Always Yours S. D. Kilmer·June 26, 2024He Was Always Yours written by: S.D. Kilmer @SDKilmer Mother Susan, how did you cope? Did you...PoetryEnglish·1 min read