The Witch, a poem by Heidi MacCulloch at
Unreal Airtist

The Witch

The Witch

written by: Heidi MacCulloch


Dressed to death
Black glides the breeze
Hair to match
Don’t forget the wart
She owns land
And other’s souls
Her black cat
Her cauldron
Eyeballs and fingers
Toads and bones
In Salem stoned and hung
She’s your nightmare
Your unsung
Rides a broom
Her cackle isn’t contagious
Skin tinted green
Snake eyes
Uses nature
As venom
Calm as a lake
She’ll get you, you pretty
Graveyard walks
Ouija board talks
Hide your children
The veil thins
Revealing us all
Stumble upon worlds
Near and far
Halloween masks you
Never hidden
The Witch is watching
No life forbidden

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