Long Dancing
written by: Gerry Stefanson
wind round my ears
catching a glance of you
as you step to the curb
this been before feeling
rushes my heartbeat
we meet again for the first time.
we chance chat
that runs like a marathon
clock time frozen rhyme
minutes to hours
flash by seamed moments
you quick, deft and prime
the spell holds
karma unfolds before me
changes without bargain plea
future engulfs us
all doors swing open
anchors set, sails furlough blush.
we become who
we seem meant to be
we function as one touch.
can I dance with you
on the last night in summer
slide you away under a slippery moon
waltz you and spin you
like the July when we married
by along loving tune
this last waltz has lasted
from today till back then
touching fifty years dancing this swoon.
- So Far - February 8, 2025
- A Clear Starlit Night Under a Blanket of Snow - January 7, 2025
- 666 Alverstone Ave. - November 1, 2024