Thoughts from a Refugee
written by: Brian Wayne Smith
You do not look like me.
I do not look like you.
But your idea, of me, causes you to fear me.
What have I done to receive such harshness?
I’m trying to survive by leaving the only place I have known as home.
This civil war has already ended so many innocent lives.
I do not want to be one of them.
Would rather risk my life; sailing over troubled waters.
All while singing your U.S. National Anthem
Because it gives me hope of what to expect when I reach that new land.
“O’er the land of the free and the home of the brave.”
Freedom, the abilities to be safe and getting settled into a new land that I can call home
are my only thoughts.
Does my skin color and religious beliefs scare you that much?
You hide behind an executive order.
Claiming to be “Protecting the Nation from Foreign Terrorist
Entry into the United States.”
But I am not a terrorist.
Yet, I cannot come in.
How can you still advertise?
“Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free.
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door.”
(Emma Lazarus, The New Colossus)
Look at me.
Am I not tired? Am I not poor? Am I not yearning to breathe free?
Why won’t you accept me?
Beginning to think it is because,
You do not look like me
I do not look like you.
- Courvoisier - January 16, 2018
- Why Tomorrow - December 30, 2017
- 10 Commandments of America - December 7, 2017