Violet Circles, a poem by Caro Henry at

Violet Circles

Violet Circles

written by: Caro Henry


Your tears lie shimmering,
Pure ice crystals cut from
A heart with no hope glimmering;
The glimmer, the shimmer casting
Bright light, highlighting the
Violet bracelets that are lingering;
Shimmering, shivering,
That everlasting bracelet that
Moves from your arm to your

And your train whistles through your head;
Carrying your dreams to far-away towns;
Lofting planes, roaring with the dead;
Bringing the battered, bruised with the clowns.

Shouting shrill, no cooing doves;
Vulgarities biting, cutting gashes
Through the walls; paper-thin loves,
Slashing, bashing, forever dashing
Hopes you know you must not have;
Those callused hands that are tightening;
Frightening, slicing
Through violet necklaces that
Move from your neck to your

And your train whistles through your head;
Carrying your dreams to far-away towns;
Lofting planes, roaring with the dead;
Bringing the battered, bruised with the clowns.

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