Arbor Day
written by: Eric Shelman
Educating and
learning trees, advantages
and importances
planting trees, correctly and
receiving rewards
Mankind’s best friends
are trees, greatest resources
offering us, so many
things, such as shade from the sun
having multiple uses
Solving our future
problems, by planting trees, which
will better our futures
Worshiping, singing
praising, reading quotes, and
poetry, rapping tree skits
problems that
mother nature
Applauding, appreciating
approvals of trees
Rapping About Tress
Building better tomorrows
Obliterating our obstacles
Rightly revering resources
Deeming Trees, celebrations Day
Advocating awareness, actions
Yearning, yielding, younglings
Absorb, accumulate, adaptation, advice
advise, advocate, alert, amateur, Arborist
Back fill, balance, Botany, better tomorrow
Climate, color, community, conscientious
conscious, container, contribute, correct
Damage, decisions, deep, detect, develop
diameter, dig, disease, drought
Earth, Ecology, ensure, environment
erosion, establish
Failure, fertile, fertilizer, foliage, Forestry
Garden, goal, green, ground, growing
Habitat, help, hole
Impact, improvements, Indigenous
insulate, interest, International
Landscape, leaves, level, light, loam
Mulch, Mother Nature, Mother Earth
National, natural, Nature, nursery
Opinion, organic, overgrown
Pests, plants, planting, policy, pot
preparation, preservation, pride, problems
professional, protection, provision, prune
Quality, Quest
Recognition, regional, remove
requirement, rescue, resources
restoration, root ball, roots
Setting, shrubs, soil, solar, stable, steps
success, sun, survival, system
Temperatures, trees, trim
Unifying, universal, unity
Valuing, visionarily
Warrant, water, weather, well, wells, work
Zeal, zone
As pioneers began moving into
Nebraska Territory, lacking
trees was felt deeply, not
only did new residents
miss the trees they left behind they were
left without the trees they needed as
windbreaks to keep soil in place for fuel
and building materials
and for shade from the hot sun
“We make an immense mistake, when we
think of trees as solely an aesthetic
member of a community
they cut pollution
they cool the air, they prevent
erosion, they muffle sound
they produce oxygen, then, after
all that, they look good.”
Doctor Richard Leakey said.
“I am the heat of your hearth, the shade
the shade screening you from the sun, I
am the beam that holds your
house, the board of your table
I am the handle of your hoe, the
the door of your homestead, the wood
of your cradle, and the
shell of your coffin
I am the gift of God and the friend
of man.” A quote by unknown
“The forests are the flags of Nature
they appeal to all and awaken
inspiring universal
feelings, enter the forest
and the boundaries of
nations are forgotten, it may be
that some time an immortal pine
will be the flag of a united
and peaceful world.” Quote by Enos A. Mills
Nebraska newspaper editor
and resident of Nebraska City, NE
J. Sterling Morton had an
enthusiasm for trees
advocated strongly for civic
groups, and individuals
to plant them, once he
became Nebraska’s Territory secretary
he further spread his
message about trees’ values
And on January 4, 1872, Morton
first proposed a tree planting
holiday to be called “Arbor Day”
at a state meeting, Board of Agriculture
Its, celebration date was set for
April 10, 1872, prizes were offered
to counties and individuals
for the largest number of properly
planted trees on that day
it was estimated that more
than 1 million trees were
planted in Nebraska
on the first Arbor Day
which was officially proclaimed in 1874
by Nebraska’s Governor, Robert W. Furnas
and the day was observed
April 10 that year
In 1885, which was named
a legal state holiday in
Nebraska, and April 22 was
selected as the date for its
permanent annual observance
eventually spreading both Nationally
and globally.
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