A Reptilian Discovery, a poem by Jim Bellamy at Spillwords.com

A Reptilian Discovery

A Reptilian Discovery

written by: Jim Bellamy


Leering out of tiny eyes,
the muddy hands that gripped the nail
flopped in splendour on the latch
and opened like a tail.

A whistle blew along the spheres;
next door but one the nursery flew
down through strangenesses endeared
to those who sire the blue.

Treaded neat in tiny skies,
amid the museum’s bloodied news,
so much excitement was revised
and sidled into view.

Large hands lift him from the nail;
incited music holds him there;
the eyes that open note the sail
that cleaves away his scaly air.

Now see his puzzled head grow long
in mazes of a miracle
by notions of prehistory’s song
revere the reptile’s pistol.

In those empty, silent hours
a scarring panic was foresworn,
with furry cowls and lotus flowers
in nitric hatred stormed.

And all of you who ever knew
or prayed to christ at all,
now meet the sleeping reptile
whose sprawling ways appall.

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