An Auspicious Rendezvous
written by: Dr. Aparna Ajith
Far away from the madding crowd
Unmindful of the endless dusty road
There I came across a kindred spirit
On a drizzled charming twilight
Laharinagar was all set to welcome us
The manifestation brimmed with her happiness.
An auspicious rendezvous in real
The familiarity of four years albeit via virtual
The warmth of the verbal chat
The weaving of emotions in her wordy art
Made me stay in touch with a sister, an esteemed
Her loving gestures made me feel blessed
Living in a social media world
Where everything seems whirled
Relations remain virtually laden in insta stories
Incapable of caressing and consoling with offline sorries
When the familiar transforms into a foreigner
Better not cling to any as one’s forerunner
The alchemy of life unravels umpteen treasures
beyond the utmost thought of human measures
Laharinagar suffused me with the elixir of her sisterly care
The human emotional connection now is so rare
An absolutely adorable slice of my life’s rainbow
Lo-fi, love fidelity enhanced her eternal glow
Here comes my toddler with umpteen lovely incoherent queries
affectionately addressing her ‘Jonaa Aunty’ without the worldly worries
Here begins for Lil Anvi and family, a new chapter
Many things, the auguries of an auspicious meeting can alter
Let the warmth of serene expressions flourish over the years
Let the beacon of turtle Dove soothe us from our mundane fears.
Lil Anvi yearns to stroll again
in the paddy fields to catch a grain
We will come soon to meet you all
At the haven Laharinagar before he turns too tall!
- A Potpourri of Statuses - December 12, 2024
- An Auspicious Rendezvous - June 5, 2024
- (Un) Fair - August 9, 2023