There is a Place for Everything, an essay by Benjamin Nambu at
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There is a Place for Everything

There is a Place for Everything

written by: Benjamin Nambu


The world isn’t large by coincidence. There is space for everyone, there is a place for everything. Every season has its role.

The years of plenty, when we have enough companionship, attention, affection, time, opportunities, and sometimes money, are to be dedicated to saving against unforeseen famine. Hay is not the only resource to be made while the sun shines. Friendships need baking and preservation with the same sunshine. Some acquaintances break into our circle and we wonder what to do with them. Patience. With time, the leaves will fall by themselves. There are some leaves whose medicinal properties are at their peak when dry and powdery.

Remember everything has its place in this world. Never be in a hurry to discard anyone. A date may not lead to marriage, but the experience could be vital to a relationship that leads to one. Instead of responding to love proposals with accept or refuse buttons, we can view them as opportunities to get to know someone on a deeper level. It is important to have boundaries. It is equally important to look beyond race, class, sexual orientation, religion, and disability and see hearts longing for connection.

There are very bitter experiences and terrible mistakes we wish we could delete from our lives. There are horrible bosses we’ve worked for that we wish we never met. If we could see the bigger picture in which we embrace and forgive our mistakes, and learn to take their lessons and not their identity, we will understand why the world isn’t large by coincidence. There is space for everything. There is some value to be derived from every experience.

Loneliness is an inevitable season of life. Every season plays a vital role in giving us a rounded growth. However, the impact of the cold and dusty haze of the lonely season can be lessened if we become less judgmental of people and more optimistic about our negative experiences. The people we shun, others accept, nurture and give them space to grow and change. When our fields are dry, others’ are flourishing and overflowing with companionships because they had space in their world for what we saw as junk.

There is a place for everything. Only if we could see. There’s space for everyone. If only we could make some space in our hearts.

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