An Irish Curse
written by: Ger White
They said ‘twill pass this hopelessness
I live with every day
In arms safe and warm is where I belong
In hillsides so far away
The smell of her breast, her sweet caress
Brought life to my body daily
Sweet humming airs, perfumed with care
Combined our heartbeats playfully.
We walked long grass, held hands tight and fast
Shared smells, and noises and banter
Played with squirrels, ran in fresh drills
Lived for sharing and laughter
Then sickness you lurked and our lives you cursed
I’ll not rest till you’re rotted and smothered
You plundered and took, and my world you shook
You cost me the loss of my mother!
May you rot and decay wherever you lay
May you never again know gladness
You are banished! You sick and decaying prick
You may never revisit my planet!!
- It All is Blackness to Me - February 28, 2025
- An Irish Curse - November 29, 2024
- Healing, Ointment and Faith - September 20, 2024