written by: Pablo Cúzco
A car sits broken
its axles naked to the sun
cracked leather seats
blistered glass
by looters
seeking to scratch an itch
Dross smelted from
tin cans of greasy paté
and lentils
turn to
finds me hidden
behind the woven barrier
where I lay my head
I catch the last beams
of the crooked sun
glowing red
through the cracks
of my boarded up windows
I’ll sleep fat tonight
and dream of sheep
pastures of plenty
and white beaches—
far from my bed
of Styrofoam
shredded paper
and rat droppings
A wind cuts my sail
it drags anchor
across deserted streets
leaving riffles
where once was road
It forwards love letters from Annapolis
hate mail from the Capitol
and shares a glimpse of a past
we were not meant to see
Still taunting us
the mystery
of brinkmanship
and saber-rattling
that was complicit
in provoking the violence
of the ape man—
the chimpanzee
who walked upright
—tangled in the fabric
of a globalized deception
that war was inevitable:
monkey-see, monkey-do
- Cannabinoia - March 6, 2025
- Despejado - November 29, 2024
- Apocalyptica - August 29, 2024