Back to the Blur
written by: Jenny Morelli
I often wonder
what would happen if I fell
into the creases of my stories.
Would I know where I was? Would I
know the boy by his warm mint-
gasoline scent, his
scabby knuckles? Would I
recognize shards of myself
in my protective protagonist
or her tormented twin?
What if I tumbled
into the tiger’s crystal cave
beneath the sea
or slipped into the mirror
of my past where my demons lie
or into a future where infinity
is tipped sideways, the weary winds of time
blowing cold and stiff against my cheek?
What if
I washed up onto the shore
where the spider-crow circles
and swoops seeking… scrutinizing?
What if I woke stuck
in the sticky silkstrings
of the spiders who hold all the answers
and can’t ever tell? What if I were drip-drip-
dripped on by the melting
honied moon
or cocooned in the feathers
of my faithful fairy friends?
With whole worlds whirling wild
inside my mind,
it’s sometimes hard to find myself,
but I try each night when the daily darkness
Despite searching with every blink
and every breath and every beat-
beat-beat of my heart;
despite repeating There’s no place like here,
or there, or nowhere
or everywhere,
I still wake wisftully weeping
I’m lost, so very lost,
hoping to learn where I am and who
and how and one day,
a new voice will respond
in a tongue I don’t know, someone
I’ve not yet met,
and I’ll know that I’m back to the blur
where I belong;
on the edge of the unknown,
the unspoken, the unrelenting,
the unreal; on the edge
of everything and nothing,
and I’ll revel and rejoice. I’ll celebrate
and smile, eager to begin again; knowing
that I have arrived.
- A Heavenly Peace - December 21, 2024
- The Difference - December 5, 2024
- Spotlight On Writers – Jenny Morelli - September 21, 2024