Fallacy, poetry by Johnny Francis Wolf at Spillwords.com
Gaspar Zaldo



written by: Johnny Francis Wolf


Even when was clothed seemed nude.

Skinny kid with furrowed brow, worried that he’d disappoint friends and parents, church and school. Loved by all if liked by few.

Yet ‘unliked’, too strong a word. More, was feared. Gift for pull.


Scrawny youth one could dismiss, until he doffed his shirt.. when all of thew and bone conspired, angled lank into a brawn, the pieces honed and stacked and smoothed, forged as if by sculptor’s cleave, polished wet with umber glaze.

From that Summer, sixteen years, no one felt at ease too close. Drew unyielding, woman, man. Heat as burning, bare his skin.

Beast evinced, if lamb inside.


Reverse be rightly, stubborn same, for heart and touch of him or her. If truth revered, be more for man. But…

Closing eyes allowed for all.

Closing eyes allowed for lies.

Closing eyes allowed for life that fit the world he only knew. Deny what should be only true.

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