Heard, poetry written by Hino Black at Spillwords.com
Ava Sol



written by: Hino Black


Through my bedroom window…
I’m aimlessly looking at the sky…
Thinking of my life so far…
I’ve only known things…
I didn’t want to know…
I lost my voice and only their words…
I’m now speaking…
There’s a voice in my heart…
Telling me… Don’t follow the orders of society…
And be free like a bird…
Keep on dreaming…
Even these dreams are disappearing with the wind…
They decided everything for me…
Even which dream I should dream…
Everything is their choice…
My clothes… My beliefs… My dreams… Even my future…
But from time to time…
I will break their rules…
And fly outside the herd…
And sing melodies…
That they never heard…
Like a bird in the sky…
Flying freely through the night…
Unseen but definitely heard.

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