In the Dark and in the Light
written by: Mark Tulin
I know where my DNA
comes from,
engraved into a genetic code,
a gift from my family history,
starting with my European ancestors
who roamed Russia and Germany,
and before that,
the deserts of the Middle East
where they made bricks
for the Pharaohs.
I can feel all my past
through my words,
reflecting the ancient wisdom
of my soul.
All the heartbreaks
and the struggles and successes
are inside every tissue
of my body,
and in every chromosome,
invisible to the naked eye.
When I look in the mirror,
I see the lines
of my progeny,
my descendants,
my sources
of inspiration
from the old days
to the modern times.
I can see where my traits,
qualities and characteristics
originate. I can feel my past,
deep in the marrow
of my bones,
and when their blood
circulates through my heart.
My DNA is what keeps us
all together, in the dark
and in the light,
when I’m awake
and when I’m dreaming,
- I Am The Sky - February 15, 2025
- In the Dark and in the Light - October 7, 2024
- Love’s Eternal Flame - May 24, 2024