Is It The End? a poem written by Tinashe Muza at

Is It The End?

Is It The End?

written by: Tinashe Muza


Darkness creeps over the horizon
As life seemingly becomes non-existent
Silence and chants inversely relate
The clucking and chirping halt
Air tends to be denser and chilling
Fear crawls from under devouring you whole
Afraid of the unknown
The next calling is nimbleness
The next calling is 911 to the adrenal glands
But all that comes is numbness
Regret cascades back to memory
Tears stream down in compassion
Flinching your lips
The last word is I…
Inspiration finally desists
“I love you too”, she responds tone filled with grief and loss
Hands gripping tightly, she forces a smile knowing it wasn’t the end

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