Jumble, a poem by Nina Taylor at Spillwords.com



written by: Nina Taylor


My head is overflowing
It’s running out of space
I try to keep it organised
With everything in place.
But its files are fit to bursting
And scattered all about
I need to get them orderly
I need to sort them out.
But when I try to do so
One jumps up to say
“You haven’t finished with me yet
And it’s not my turn today.
You’ve got to do that other stuff
It’s first upon your list
You’ve left it half completed
It’s just not good enough.”
And so it seems quite clear to me
The tasks will never end.
Just when I think it’s all in hand
More come round the bend.
But time to stop these jumbled thoughts
From filling up my head.
So now I’ll make some Horlicks**
And take myself to bed.


**other bedtime drinks are available

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