Knave, a poem by Joan McNerney at



written by: Joan McNerney


Full of himself flaunting
his black leather jacket
covered with silver studs.

Bling hangs from his bulging neck.
Flashy zircons, deep cologne,
tattoos, piercings, purple hair.

Puffed up, he struts across alleys.
Headlight eyes scoping
each corner searching prey.

Pushing down anything
in his way. Sniffing rear
doors, sniffing out death.

His hands move like claws
through shadows with
crooked nails buffed blue.

Lugging a bag of tricks loaded
with brass knuckles, chains,
zip guns, switchblade knives.

Opening his cavern mouth,
smacking wide lips, he drains
a cool cocktail of ruby red blood.

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