Mental Dirge, poetry by Mahbuba Shama at
Kamil Mehmood

Mental Dirge

Mental Dirge

written by: Mahbuba Shama


Epiphany horror turmoil the soul
Panicked I stood motionless
You died but I revived my joy
As if I am no longer chained
Free Free Free

10 years passed
Quarrels, disrespect, a living hell
I married you out of family pressure
And you took a grip on my life with 2 children

Society pressure, image, family bonding
It took an immense storm on my psyche
What will others say?
I enveloped myself in acute work every day

I am sorry my soul
I took utmost strength to confront the reality
I forgot my breath
I despoiled my inner peace
I talked, talked, and talked out of loneliness
I became a living skeleton, a hollow husband

I am sorry my wife as I never loved you
Age and Night passion led to our cozy moments
Your death is not tormenting me
I feel emancipated like a colonized person seeing his own country again.

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