Ode To My Fridge, poetry by Pulkita Anand at Spillwords.com
Ivan Rudoy

Ode To My Fridge

Ode To My Fridge

written by: Pulkita Anand


I missed you when I was in my hostel.
Your cold water, your ice, your ice cream
Your cream shakes, your jellies, and your belly
Oh! I miss you on hot days, in drenching sweat.
In a dizzying, dumb summer,
I missed you on tours, my travel-weary feet.
Which longed for cold chocolate, cold coffee
Turned cold without your presence.
Oh! Your absence creates your presence.
I missed the opening and closing of your door.
Your rolling tomatoes that slide to smile
Each time, your fresh veggies, your ice cubes
For long, long for your songs and light in the dark
Oh! I missed you when Mom told me not to.
I opened the door, and I opened it to steal ice cream.
I missed you when I felt solace in opening the door and
Remained there for a long to beat the scorching heat.
Oh! I missed your colour, your shelves, your case
I missed you, dearly, fervently. My freezer, my fridge

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