Oreo Eclipse, a haiku by Robyn MacKinnon at Spillwords.com

Oreo Eclipse

written by: Robyn MacKinnon



another eclipse


Octopus wind chime



Illustration description: A dark background, swept across by a white mist edged in warm brown and tan hues. Behind the mist, topmost and toward the left-hand corner, sits a dark, caramel-coloured disk with a golden, glowing aura. The words of the haiku are centered on this disk, but in front of the toasted marshmallow mist, in black Bickham Script Pro Regular font shimmering with gold. Occupying the right side of the image is the flat, bevelled, butterscotch-coloured shape of an octopus, presumably a decoration to be hung, going by the ring on the top of its head.

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This publication is part 393 of 403 in the series Robyn Finds Poetry