written by: Anthony John Ward
I find poetry in the most prosaic of things
Reading tables for times of the tides
Both spring and neap
Through all four seasons
The southern spring equinox
And the northern autumnal equinox
The summer and hibernal solstice
North, East, South, Westerly winds
Cold fronts moving towards warm fronts
Catching the weather forecast
Listening to the Shipping Forecast
Watching the sky at night
Studying the astronomical almanac
Moonrise at 8am
Sunset at 10pm
The phases of the moon
Waxing crescents and waning gibbous,
First quarter, last quarter
When the moon is full,
The moons many names,
Ice and snow moon, hay and barley moon,
Harvest and hunters moon, frost and hunger moon
I like to learn when Neptune is in Aquarius
And Mercury is in the evening light
When Mars is occulted by the moon
4.2 degrees south of Saturn
When the crescent moon passes the Pleiades
And the sun crosses the celestial equator
The Orionids and Geminids shower the firmament
When a partial solar and penumbral lunar eclipse
Will be something to look out for
To look forward to
The o clocks of time
Thursday at ten,
Friday at four,
Saturday at seven,
The constant cycling changes of life.
- Getting On - January 31, 2025
- Dusk Autumn - September 23, 2024
- War On - July 24, 2024