Groundhog Day Eric Shelman·February 2, 2023Groundhog Day written by: Eric Shelman Groundhog’s predictions winter weather, winter’s end, shadow or not Phil, the...EnglishPoetry·1 min read
Gifts Mark Gilbert·December 26, 2022Gifts written by: Mark Gilbert @MarkgZero fallen leaves the squirrel digs up a Christmas present winter solstice...PoetryEnglishChristmas·1 min read
Splendor Solis Elizabeth Barton·December 23, 2022Splendor Solis written by: Elizabeth Barton @DestinyAngel25 Glissando slide, last rays of sun sing into a cauldron...PoetryChristmasEnglish·1 min read
How Warm is His Hand? Tea Solon·July 4, 2022How Warm is His Hand? written by: Tea Solon summer solstice’s thunder, lightning at noon while i...PoetryEnglish·1 min read
A Brand New Day Bruce Levine·December 7, 2021A Brand New Day written by: Bruce Levine @brucelevine19 Passing days as winter sets in Diminishing light...EnglishFeatured PostPoetry·1 min read
Three Dreams of Winter Meg Smith·March 18, 2021Three Dreams of Winter written by: Meg Smith @MegSmith_Writer We sang a hymn in a lost language....EnglishPoetry·1 min read
Christmas Aotearoa Elizabeth Barton·December 21, 2020Christmas Aotearoa written by: Elizabeth Barton @DestinyAngel25 This place lies far from snow-clad hills, the hush of...PoetryChristmasEnglish·1 min read
Shortest Day Freya Pickard·December 21, 2020Shortest Day written by: Freya Pickard @FreyaPickard everlight glows molten amber spilling over mauve horizon pulses like...EnglishPoetryChristmas·1 min read
Tranquillity Eamon O'Leary·December 5, 2020Tranquillity written by: Eamon O’Leary With ease, Hank reached and pulled the ‘Sold’ sign from the ditch....Featured PostLiteratureEnglishHaunted Holidays·9 mins read
Summer Solstice Heat Wave Robyn MacKinnon·July 19, 2020Summer Solstice Heat Wave written by: Robyn MacKinnon @art_rat Solstice 🌞 ….. the longest just like that…...Robyn Finds PoetryEnglishRobyn MacKinnonPoetry·1 min read
MABON R.M. Engelhardt·October 22, 2019MABON written by: R.M. Engelhardt @rmengelhardt between the dark and light the fall of leaves time suspended...PoetryHalloweenEnglish·1 min read
Winter Solstice H.M. Gautsch·December 21, 2018Winter Solstice written by: H.M. Gautsch @GautschHM No sun, half-moon the longest nigh’ of the year winter...EnglishPoetry·1 min read
Hope At Solstice Jazzcat·December 21, 2018Hope At Solstice written by: Catherine Lee Subtle transition darkness slowly overwhelming light ’til unfailing comes a rebirth...EnglishPoetry·1 min read
Winter Solstice Polly Oliver·January 24, 2017Winter Solstice written by: Polly Oliver The shadowy ones hauling the Henges upright knew: As they measured...EnglishPoetry·1 min read