Season's Greetings, poetry by Nafisa Shabbir at
Ralph Nas

Season’s Greetings

Season’s Greetings

written by: Nafisa Shabbir


This is the season of gaiety and cheer
A time to bond with our near and dear
A time to forgive and clear the air
A time to show how much we care

This year, we had our share of sorrow
So now look forward to a better tomorrow
Each New Year we all do hope
That life brings trials with which we can cope

We hope for a future with lesser strife
And hope for a blessed peaceful life
Resolutions made should show we care
They should help resolve all tensions in the air

So let us join our hands
And do our best
And leave it to Fate
To take care of the rest

HAPPY     NEW     YEAR     2024

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