Silences Amplified, poetry by Carrie Magness Radna at

Silences Amplified

Silences Amplified

written by: Carrie Magness Radna



In quiet towns,
sounds are amplified:

ghostly creatures shake the trees,
cackling; they sing with birds.

Footsteps echo each other,
so no one knows which ones
belong with who—

The kids are not spooked;
their laughter bounce off every surface
at the meeting place before morning prayers.

They run around, causing commotion,
shouting down the troublesome djinns.

Lawnmowers cut down all silences
in every opportunity; whirring a mile away,
no one can escape its presence outside.

It’s not even dark,
yet—you are still haunted—

As Autumn appears
before it changes colors,

we stand attention,
shutting off the overhead fans.

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