Spotlight On Writers
Jenny Morelli
- Where do you originate from?
I’m from the creases of my stories, my nightmares and daydreams. I’m from the darkest corners and brightest nooks of my mind; from the pauses in my reality and the sighs and screams between my breaths. I’m from the doors that lead to Narnia and the depths that hold Atlantis, or if you’d rather something simpler, I’m from New Jersey, and, from the branches of my ancestral tree, I’m from Italy and Argentina, if the stories passed down to me are to be believed.
- What do you cherish most about the place you call home?
I cherish the menagerie of wild lives that parade through my yard in search of the yellowist corn and the array of peanuts strewn about; a menagerie of deer and squirrels, chipmunks and bunnies and raccoons, and all the cardinals, blue jays and grackles who flit about each morning and evening. There’s a simple luxury in being surrounded by nature in all its elements, the beasts as well as the herbs I grow for my tea and my cats and the veggies my hubby and I enjoy. I have an unending well of inspiration at my fingertips in and near the place I’ve called home for nearly twenty years.
- What ignites your creativity?
There’s a story in everything I see, from the tiny ladybug I found on my screen this morning to the praying mantis who hung out with me one day. There’s beauty in that tortured quiet kid in the back of my classroom and also the confident one who one day admits her fears to me one day. Finding something special in every moment of every day is what ignites my creativity.
- Do you have a favorite word and could you incorporate it into a poetic phrase?
Whoa, this is like asking me to pick my favorite child! As a writer, I love so many words. Without thinking too hard, the word Palimpsest first comes to mind. How fascinating, the idea of so many texts written on one single page! So much mystery and history in a never-ending well of ideas and passions written one on top of the last from infinity past to infinity future!
- What is your pet peeve?
I have many and after crafting quite a rant of an answer to your question, I’ve decided I’d rather focus on finding things to appreciate in even the worst life has to throw at me, to find happiness and positivity in all my struggles and surround myself with people who will show me pockets of light in all this world’s darkness.
- How would you describe the essence of Jenny Morelli?
As evidenced in my latest publication Back to the Blur, I am the essence of everyone and every world I’ve ever written into existence. I’m the creation of all I’ve created. Like a Mӧbius strip, I no longer know where I end and they begin. Like stained glass, I’m melted-together shards of all I’ve ever encountered; striving to capture beautiful lights and colors and ideas in the glints cast by the sunshine and moonlight, so that, as Neil Gaiman likes to say, I ‘make good art.’
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- The Difference - December 5, 2024
- Spotlight On Writers – Jenny Morelli - September 21, 2024