Spotlight On Writers - Joseph F Coniglio, an interview at

Spotlight On Writers – Joseph F Coniglio

Spotlight On Writers

Joseph F Coniglio


  1. Where do you originate from?

I am a product of the Bronx, N.Y. where I spent the first thirty years of my life. My Italian-American upbringing, coupled with a Catholic School education instilled in me a true feeling of what is right and proper. Sometimes I do stray from that though. I guess no one is perfect. I have been married to my wife for almost 50 years now. We met in college and have been together since.

With my background in teaching and education I have been fortunate enough to leave behind me a long string of well-trained individuals. Although it was never my formal title I was often given new educators to mentor. As a teacher in the South Bronx, I was asked to go to other schools and speak with new teachers, discussing classroom problems, methods and solutions to their class management problems in addition to teaching my own classes and writing new curriculum. Later, when I moved into Brokerage, I was tasked with interviewing, instructing and training new hires.

  1. What do you cherish most about the place you call home?

Currently we live in North Carolina, a move we made in 2014. Life here is a world away from the Bronx but I feel so at home. The people, the climate all contribute to a pretty good life. Somehow I think I always knew I would end up here in the South. There was always some kind of lure, a draw that just seemed to call me. I guess what I cherish most is a feeling of fulfillment now that our sons are grown and independent and my wife and I can make time for some dormant interests.

  1. What ignites your creativity?

I draw most of my creativity from my past. I love some of the stories about Italian history and folklore. Our children and grandchildren like to hear the stories about my growing up in the City, and some of the things I did, which they find amazing and border on the unbelievable. But I also have a good sense of humor and the ability to make up a tale about almost anything quicker than anyone I know!

Being raised in a very traditional Italian household, food and wine was a very large part of life. Family dinners and large holiday gatherings were common and I looked forward to them. So it seems only right that this is mainly what I write about. I enjoy cooking and pairing wines with meals. I also enjoy exploring the world of wines, finding good, affordable vintages that people can both enjoy and afford. Occasionally, I like to stray into music and movies, something my past has also given me an appreciation of. Bringing my past into the future adds a feeling of continuity.

  1. Do you have a favorite word and could you incorporate it into a poetic phrase?

My favorite word has to be family, or La Famiglia as we say it. There is nothing stronger or more sacred. Everything is done with family in mind, for its benefit and for its continuity. Family is truly our past, our present and our future. Friends can come and go and we really have very few true friends in life. But, “La famiglia e’ tutto” or the family is everything.

  1. What is your pet peeve?

My pet peeve is directed to those who say “can’t,” the ultimate four-letter word. Nothing drives me harder than someone who tells me that I can’t. One of life’s pleasures is proving them wrong. I feel that muttering those words, “I can’t…” is too final. Too much of an admission that trying is too much of a bother, too much of a give-up. Sure we all have limitations, but there is nothing you can’t do except that which you don’t want to. And we should never fear failure. Even a failed attempt means that you tried.

  1. How would you describe the essence of Joseph F Coniglio?

If I truly had to describe the essence of myself I would say that my background, my love of family and traditions says it all. In all things they drive me to do what I feel is the right thing. Sometimes that means going against the grain, against authority. But I have learned to live with that because at least it gives me a clear conscience. Of course I know that not everything will turn out as I had planned or hoped. But it means that I had an idea which I considered good enough to follow up on.

Writing is sort of an extension of this. I write about things that I know a little about. The research I do is a labor of love, an education of sorts. And hopefully, my writing will bring back a memory for someone else. Plant an idea to try something different, or just bring a smile as I remind someone of a pleasant past.

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