A Country Such As This Beth Tremaglio·August 10, 2017A Country Such As This written by: Beth Tremaglio @TremaglioBeth “Disease can not cure disease but rather...PoetryEnglishFeatured PostBeth Tremaglio·1 min read
Los Buitres Y Los Cerdos Cecilia Argüelles Ramos·April 16, 2017Los buitres y los cerdos written by: Cecilia Argüelles Ramos @CeciliArguelles Ellos, esos… que insisten en abrir...SpanishPoetry·1 min read
The Ideal Politician: ELECTION Stanley Wilkin·January 5, 2017The Ideal Politician: ELECTION written by: Stanley Wilkin @catalhuyuk A year later Ecreep sat in his office,...EnglishLiterature·3 mins read
Sticks and Stones Anne G·December 21, 2015Sticks and Stones … An Anne G Original U-Blog The war of words between GOP hopefuls continues. Terms such...ArticleAnne G·1 min read
A Farce Anne G·September 14, 2015A Farce Commentary by Anne G “The United Nations Security Council’s approval of a Russia drafted resolution to support...ArticleAnne GEnglish·1 min read
Blacklist Anne G·September 8, 2015Blacklist Poetry-Prose by Anne G A world torn asunder by darkened desire; acquisition, possession, coercion, duress. Amassers of wealth,...Anne GEnglish·1 min read
Left and Right Anne G·August 4, 2015Left and Right written by: An Anne G The use of Left and Right in politics, came...Anne GArticle·2 mins read