It’s So Sweet at Home Dmitriy Belyanin·July 24, 2023It's So Sweet at Home... written by: Dmitriy Belyanin - It's so sweet at home to cling To the brightest, deepest thoughts...PoetryEnglishInternational·1 min read
The Bright Snowbanks Dmitriy Belyanin·April 16, 2023The Bright Snowbanks written by: Dmitriy Belyanin -Snowbanks, sparkling brightly, Like you've never seen: Charming, they lie quietly...PoetryEnglishInternational·1 min read
Razz Putin! Kenneth Vincent Walker·March 12, 2023Razz Putin! (Coward of Moscow) written by: Kenneth Vincent Walker A coward supreme Of the very lowest...EnglishPoetry·1 min read
The Advice Column Marion Donnellier·November 10, 2022The Advice Column written by: Marion Donnellier @MarionDnlr The change happened overnight. My shower cubicle shrank, my...LiteratureFeatured PostEnglish·8 mins read
Blondes in Istanbul Shirley Goodrum·July 2, 2022Blondes in Istanbul written by: Shirley Goodrum I swallow my rising vomit and sit astride my Cellini...LiteratureEnglish·11 mins read
An Unexpected Visit Zach Ellenberger·June 14, 2022An Unexpected Visit written by: Zach Ellenberger @zak4prez911 It was at the most exclusive of auctions that...Featured PostLiteratureEnglish·14 mins read
Russia-Ukraine-War | 41st Day Lali Tsipi Michaeli·May 10, 2022Russia-Ukraine-War 41st Day written by: Lali Tsipi Michaeli translated by: Oded Peled Russian soldier rapes a Ukrainian...PoetryEnglish·1 min read
Survival Joseph L.M. Sturm·April 20, 2022Survival written by: Joseph L.M. Sturm @jlmsturm Verified on pavement. Cracked in mirrors. The end is nearer...PoetryEnglish·1 min read
Pierogi ze Skwarkami Radosław Marcin Bartz·March 30, 2022Pierogi ze Skwarkami written by: Radosław Marcin Bartz rzecz działa się pięćdziesiąt może sześćdziesiąt lat temu wszyscy...InternationalPoetryPolish·1 min read
May Sunflowers Always Grow Linda M. Crate·March 1, 2022May Sunflowers Always Grow written by: Linda M. Crate @thysilverdoe i won’t attempt to appeal to putin’s...PoetryEnglish·1 min read
Thought is Killed Ivan de Monbrison·December 8, 2021Thought is Killed written by: Ivan de Monbrison - Thought is killed. The eye is sewn into clothes...InternationalPoetryEnglish·1 min read
Grey Sky Ivan de Monbrison·September 12, 2021Grey Sky written by: Ivan de Monbrison - Your face is covered with wounds. You are walking on a wire...PoetryEnglishInternational·1 min read
110,000 Pairs of Shoes Aurora Kastanias·January 26, 2021110,000 Pairs of Shoes written by: Aurora Kastanias Remember when we used to play Amidst brick and...PoetryEnglishFeatured Post·1 min read
Cockroach Andrew Scobie·November 29, 2020Cockroach written by: Andrew Scobie Desmond chuckled to himself as a rooster’s call sounded from further down the...LiteratureEnglish·8 mins read