Thank You for Choosing BOSS Journeys Lisa H. Owens·December 17, 2024Thank You for Choosing BOSS Journeys written by: Lisa H. Owens - “Hurry, Honey-Bunny. We can’t be late.”...ChristmasEnglishLiterature·14 mins read
Soldier’s Christmas Mark Scheel·December 2, 2024Soldier’s Christmas written by: Mark Scheel On December 23—he remembers— G2 detected a Viet Cong battalion staging...EnglishPoetryHaunted HolidaysFeatured Post·1 min read
A Slave to War Pauline Milner·November 14, 2024A Slave to War written by: Pauline Milner - Winslow McPhee stood behind his desk, his hands trembling...EnglishFeatured PostLiterature·17 mins read
In Honour of all Veterans Carol Anne·November 11, 2024In Honour of all Veterans written by: Carol Anne In the quiet of the morning mist, We...EnglishPoetry·1 min read
Prelude: The Troops Spillwords·November 10, 2024Prelude: The Troops a poem by: Siegfried Sassoon Dim, gradual thinning of the shapeless gloom Shudders to...PoetryEnglishLiterary Greats·1 min read
To A Dictator Glo Curl·November 8, 2024To A Dictator written by: Glo Curl Shall I compare thee to a trebuchet? Thou art more...PoetryEnglish·1 min read
Wage, Wound, War Lori Heninger·November 7, 2024Wage, Wound, War written by: Lori Heninger @LoriSearobin She never spoke about naps, not during the war...PoetryEnglish·1 min read
Now: A Senryu Sequence Mark Gilbert·November 5, 2024Now A Senryu Sequence written by: Mark Gilbert @MarkgZero the new steady state less oil more profit...PoetryEnglish·1 min read
Divine Intervention Sharon Frame Gay·November 3, 2024Divine Intervention written by: Sharon Frame Gay - If you like underdogs, I'm your man...EnglishLiteratureFeatured Post·8 mins read
Unsteady Abagail Summers·October 18, 2024UNSTEADY written by: Abagail Summers It started with the morning sun, it hovered over the earth, warming...EnglishPoetry·1 min read
Out of Respect Theodora Oniceanu·October 18, 2024Out of Respect written by: Theodora Oniceanu @YumeAkira A winter tale I’m up to tell as the...EnglishPoetry·1 min read
The Ink of Protest is Still There… Ujjal Mandal·October 11, 2024The Ink of Protest is Still There… written by: Ujjal Mandal @UjjalMa09641912 I do strongly believe –...EnglishPoetry·1 min read
War V Jeff Flaig·October 4, 2024War V written by: Jeff Flaig They lay open and bleeding Sinew and bone exposed to the...EnglishPoetry·1 min read
Freedom Jessica Dudzinski·October 3, 2024Freedom written by: Jessica Dudzinski Freedom. You, In your retirement beard, Constantly, Condescendingly, Remind me That you...PoetryEnglish·1 min read