The Metaphor Of How We Metamorphosed Our Home With Prayers, poetry by Abubakar Auwal at

The Metaphor Of How We Metamorphosed Our Home With Prayers

The Metaphor Of How

We Metamorphosed Our Home With Prayers

written by: Abubakar Auwal


this night/ i’m a boy in the midstream// of your voice/ & the metaphor between/ the pebbles & the gag of your teeth// carved in the reptiles of supplications.// i’m sorry. what again?— fire and water are// bodies buried in my voice./ when I first voiced God my longest Du’a/ he was drunk in my ink;/ my hands cupped and held out to his throat.// in deep reconcile; my uncle appeared in hurled images.// I remember mother once said;/ uncle swallowed the whole city/ that rode to the ears of God.// yet uncle is homed between/ the bone-thud of his prayer/ & the flight feathers of death,// somewhere in the shrine of memories/ As-Alull’azeem has been/ the popular prayer chained on the wheels// that sprocket my father’s bicycle to rail.// how I wish my father’s supplication is a country sketched in peace/ how I wish we don’t only mouth breathless prayers/ we breathe our hearts too/ how I wish, I home a cottage in my uncle’s prayer.// but this night I’ve come to see God// with my poetry knocking on his door.

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