This Is My Sunny Sunshine by Teresa Joseph Franklin at,m

This Is My Sunny Sunshine


written by: Teresa Joseph Franklin



A day full of joy
A day full of hope
A day full of faith
A day minus the jibes
This is my day with all the good vibes
This is my day of total bliss and joy
The sunny sunshine
This is our day of love
A love so divine
The sunny sunshine
Oh be mine!
Who knows where this will lead us?
Where our love grows
Time and time
Alone can be ours
Hearts and hearts
Beating as one
Not alone
The sunny sunshine
All golden
The starry nights
Shining for us so bright
Bright, bright
The sunny sunshine
Golden rays
Gladdening, never saddening
Oh the warmth the heat
That we can never beat!
My vision, vision
My mission, mission
You’re the one for me
And one day we’ll meet
And I know that you are out there waiting
Waiting, waiting
Oh the vision of the dream
Knowing that you’ll be so close to me
One day, some day
Hey, hey
I’ve my arms and heart
Wide open
For you, you!
So boy oh boy

Cos I feel like I need to bellow
Oh yellow, yellow
Bright and breezy
Make it easy
Make it crystal clear
And be so near
I love you
Love you from this distance
No matter what the distance
I’ll be here waiting
Waiting for you
No matter what it takes!
We’ll make our own mistakes
Along this long, long road
But we have been told
To be patient, be still
It’ll happen in its own good time
So for now my love
Who’ll be sent from above!
The sweetest of dreams
Till we meet
A happy greet
And just remember my heart and arms
Are open wide for you!

© Teresa Joseph Franklin
3rd June 2016
All Rights Reserved

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