It Comes and Goes in Waves, a poem by JaWiL at
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It Comes and Goes in Waves

It Comes and Goes in Waves

written by: JaWiL



In depths of sorrow’s murky sea I dwell,
Where shadows dance, where somber whispers dwell,
Where light hath fled, and joy hath taken flight,
And in its absence, darkness claims the night.

A malady, a tempest of the soul,
Depression, with its grip, doth take its toll.
It cometh not in haste, but in a tide,
A ceaseless ebb and flow, wherein I bide.

Like ocean’s waves, it crashes to the shore,
Engulfing me, as I am left to roar.
A melancholic symphony it sings,
With mournful strains, its bitter echo rings.

I’m but a vessel tossed amidst the storm,
In depths of gloom, my spirit is forlorn.
The sun that once did warm my weary heart,
Is hidden now, as shadows tear apart.

Yet in the darkest hours, I find release,
A respite fleeting, granting me some peace.
For in the depth of sadness, there resides,
A glimpse of hope that evermore abides.

Through tears that fall like rain upon my face,
I seek the strength to rise from this dark place.
To ride the waves, with steadfast heart and will,
Though sorrow’s grip doth linger, haunt me still.

For even Shakespeare knew the heart’s despair,
And penned immortal lines to make us aware,
That though depression comes in waves, my friend,
There’s hope that lies in love, in time, we’ll mend.

So, let us face this tempest as it comes,
With open hearts, and faith in brighter suns.
Though sadness comes in waves, we shall endure,
For love and light shall rise, of this I’m sure.

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