Under The Wild Fig Tree, a poem by Deryn van der Tang at Spillwords.com
Danie Bester

Under The Wild Fig Tree

Under The Wild Fig Tree

written by: Deryn van der Tang



“May I walk you home?” The young man said.
He took my arm, and down the road he led,
Past the grey granite kopje, rocks so hard
Until we reached the wild fig tree
Twisted, tall, and gnarled, standing guard.

Pale moonlight filtered through the leaves.
It caressed your cheek, as you held me close,
Pressed against your tweed, it was my nose
That that inhaled tobacco fumes
Unimaginable for love that blooms!

Tiny figs upon the bough, soft and tender,
Little wombs, waiting for the ant to enter,
For life’s touch, an offering to surrender.
Adam and Eve in Eden to liken,
Waiting for the season to ripen

Your lips touched mine, a thrill divine,
Our hormones raged, we came of age.
Under twisted boughs, our hearts entwine.
Amidst nature’s whispers, we turned a page,
Beneath the wild fig tree’s silent stage.



Growing up in Africa there were many wild fig trees and granite kopjies (Rocky outcrops) which were ideal places for teenagers to hang out out. We rarely spent time indoors, and mostly went home only for meals and sleep.

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