Unsung Heroes, poetry by Shalini Kathuria Narang at Spillwords.com

Unsung Heroes

Unsung Heroes

written by: Shalini Kathuria Narang



Appreciation is easy of blooming flowers,
things seen – fruits, trees, towers.
But, what about roots underground?
the foundations that silently hold the ground.

Fathers I know are like the strong roots,
quiet, thinking, unassuming, even unseen,
sustaining families and dreams with action,
not all are adept at flowery discourses or diction.

Moms might shed and dry a tear,
but dads also loudly cheer or quietly fear,
moms might easily hug and embrace,
A dad’s reserved love holds no lesser place.

My dad’s emotions didn’t always find words,
feelings were left to be understood,
like hills don’t speak,
yet, welcome us to their peak.

His actions screamed – austerity,
but, feelings conveyed sincerity and security.
Happy father’s day to fathers – one and all,
Your deeds, like towering trees stand tall.

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