The Advent Calendar Nancy Johnston·December 13, 2024The Advent Calendar written by: Nancy Johnston - Mrs. Cowie clapped her hands three times to hush the Sunday schoolers...EnglishLiteratureChristmas·9 mins read
My Father Likes Listening to Old Music Mayen Kuol Mayen·December 6, 2024My Father Likes Listening to Old Music written by: Mayen Kuol Mayen my father likes listening to...PoetryEnglish·1 min read
Death of Miners Abdulreza Alvari·November 12, 2024Death of Miners written by: Abdulreza Alvari My dad was a miner. Hard working, honest, and gentle....EnglishPoetry·1 min read
Weird Sisters Bill Ratner·November 4, 2024Weird Sisters written by: Bill Ratner @billratner I raise the window shade so my father can see....PoetryEnglish·1 min read
A Trip Back Home Cody Knudson·October 28, 2024A Trip Back Home written by: Cody Knudson - I never believed in ghosts. Growing up near New Orleans...LiteratureFeatured PostHalloweenEnglish13 Days of Halloween·9 mins read
Whispers of My Father Daniel Rudd·October 2, 2024Whispers of My Father written by: Daniel Rudd In quiet halls where shadows fall, I hear your...PoetryEnglish·1 min read
Snap-beans in a Wooden Bowl Michael L. Utley·September 25, 2024Snap-beans in a Wooden Bowl written by: Michael L. Utley snap-beans in a wooden bowl and tears...EnglishPoetry·1 min read
A Campfire Story Amber Jane Bell·September 18, 2024A Campfire Story written by: Amber Jane Bell - What are you looking at, Dad? Nathan asked, noticing his father's...EnglishLiterature·3 mins read
Flash Memoir From 1961 Stark Hunter·September 5, 2024Flash Memoir From 1961 written by: Stark Hunter mother in blue dress stirs the pork and beans...PoetryEnglish·1 min read
Last Breath Joe Silva·September 2, 2024Last Breath written by: Jose Alfredo Silva @joesilvawrites Yesterday, outside my window, a mockingbird sang. Early this...PoetryEnglish·1 min read
First Meeting Ernie Stricsek·September 1, 2024First Meeting written by: Ernie Stricsek - June 5, 1944, outskirts of St. Marie-Du-Mont, France - In the corner of their dining room, Gerard Bouchard sat huddled...LiteratureFeatured PostEnglish·7 mins read
Survival is a Ritual MK Kuol·August 24, 2024Survival is a Ritual written by: MK Kuol “The first rule of survival is to run” ―Remeo...EnglishPoetry·1 min read
My Stern Dad Jacob Maiva Kucheli·August 21, 2024My Stern Dad written by: Jacob Maiva Kucheli My Dad comes home every night with a Stern...PoetryEnglish·1 min read
Smaug Katalin Abrudan·August 10, 2024Smaug written by: Katalin Abrudan - The other day it occurred to me that when I met you...LiteratureFeatured PostEnglish·3 mins read