written by: Linda Marie Hilton
The rosy pink of our skin dawns slowly
For the robust health of being loved
The stillness of the night was colorless
Our entwined bodies wrapped in each other
And in each others’ sheets,
The shadows thusly made
Like words on a page
Words are only words and passion cannot describe
The aura of our love, palpable, invisible
Yet there somehow
Wrapt in each other the world went away
And left our shadows imprinted like letters on a page
With dawn our pinkness blooms
Robustly hues health do proclaim
Until day has started, then the pain
Of separation, night knows this doom
Will clothe our love and mute its gladness
What day and work mask will come to pass
And night will reveal
Palest skin like words on a page
For love daily muted may in the night rage
Day masks all the drama of basic human interaction
With clothes and rules, decorum and cues,
Roles to play and bills to pay
Til night creeps in and steals the hues
And with desire our lives imbue
That we may sate ourselves in life’s destination:
More of ourselves to fight extermination
Back and forth from color to greys
Night comes forth and chases the day
Til day begins its song to sing
Aubade: au revoir night: the birds do sing!
- Winter’s Paean - February 24, 2025
- Beware The Moon - October 23, 2024
- Comfort and Joy will Tide us Over - December 22, 2023