Battle Scars
written by: Caro Henry
The hands of war tighten their grip,
a symphony of horror with malevolent notes.
Battlefields, once vibrant with life,
now wear cloaks of destruction.
The air, heavy with the acrid stench of
ammo and fear, spins
tales of anguish and despair.
Death, its appetite insatiable,
devours souls, their cries echo,
lost in the cacophony.
Amidst the fray, hearts shatter,
as the cruel hand of fate reaches out
separating loved ones.
A mother, eyes brimming
with unshed tears,
clutches the tattered
photograph of her son.
Memories dance in her mind as she
traces the contours of his face,
fingers trembling.
In a foreign land, a man,
displaced and uprooted,
clings to remnants of
his shattered homeland.
A foreign language and
unfamiliar faces replace
familiar sights and sounds.
He longs for the scent of
his native soil, the embrace of
loved ones, the comfort of belonging.
War horrors paint
vivid canvasses of desolation.
The earth, scarred and ravaged,
bear the marks of countless battles;
once-lush fields transform
into desolate wastelands.
Trees, barren of leaves,
stand like sentinels of despair,
branches twisted, reaching
for a touch of life.
Oh, the horror of war!
That master of cruelty,
tears families asunder,
leaves trails of broken hearts,
shattered dreams.
So, humanity weeps,
its soul shattered,
as sorrow and guilt
embrace each
survivor’s heart.
- Battle Scars - July 2, 2024
- Fugue in Blue - April 17, 2024
- Violet Circles - October 8, 2023