A Christmas Angel, poem by Phyllis P. Colucci at Spillwords.com

A Christmas Angel

written by: Phyllis P. Colucci



She came softly with the fallen snow
And kissed the earth with lips aglow

Her wings she spread so far and wide
She danced within the Christmastide

She frolicked in the Winter’s chill
From tree to tree
From hill to hill

A smile she wore upon her face
She swept past horizons in total grace

The clouds did part, with sun afire
The heavens sang
In this Celestial choir

The birds, the lamb, the deer in sync
She pressed her hands ‘cross skies of pink

She embraced the melodies of joyful song
She danced, she sang, she hummed along

Holly bells chimed from her dainty hands
A stunning Angel, she blessed the lands

Her full skirt of satin and lace
Swayed to and fro in magical pace

Her eyes sparkled like the yuletide glow
Her slippered footprints grazed the snow

She made a final bow to all
She whispered sweetly, her final call

Her voice echoed ‘round the world
She circled fiercely in windspun swirl

In Angelic manner she faded away
A Christmas Angel
Came calling today



When a Christmas Angel comes calling, you will recognize her in the beauty of the season and in the faces of beloved friends and family.

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