A Past Memory of Myself, poetry by Ibrahim "dreezy" Idris at Spillwords.com
Timothy Eberly

A Past Memory of Myself

A Past Memory of Myself

written by: Ibrahim “dreezy” Idris


I’m right there in the middle of a sunflower garden,
Hoping there are no funeral songs today,
While I gather petals and camouflage them into roses,
Pitching my voice as collateral to the collision of each flower stem.
At a pause of my breath,
It suddenly feels that isn’t me,
It jolts through me like a magnetized set of visuals interjected in my head,
It rewinds with aggression and shows me a desolate land of caskets,
Drawing me to feel the horrific bellows of the dead,
They strangle me for my audience to entertain their regrets.
In another flash of a nudge,
I’m taken to my mother’s kitchen,
She stirs a lump of flour on the pan and invites me for breakfast,
And in the most adorable winkle, she tells me reality will be fine.

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