A Time Change and A Full Moon

A Time Change and A Full Moon

A Time Change and A Full Moon

written by: Robyn MacKinnon



levels of feral

a time change and a full moon

have art ideas



Illustration description:  A landscape of rugged terrain in black shadow occupies the bottom of the horizontally-oriented image, three dark, misty trees occupying the far right of the image on a modest hill.  There is the silhouette of an animal, possibly a wolf, to the right of the trees.  Its nose is pointed toward the full “moon” in the top lefthand corner, which is actually a newspaper clipping of an ornate gold and red design of a rat peaking over the edge of a circle (presumably representing the moon).  The text of the poem occupies the sky between the moon and the wolf.  The sky is pale, washy, and spattered, coloured in muted shades of pink, purple, blue, and grey. 

Illustration mediums:  Marker, water, ink, gluestick, and newspaper cutting on Bristol paper (Year of the Rat moon clipped from an advertisement for a Lunar New Year event at Pier 21, from in the January 16th-22nd 2020 issue of The Coast).  Poetry text added in Adobe Photoshop.

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This publication is part 200 of 403 in the series Robyn Finds Poetry