Aquatic Shrines, poetry by Fay Marmalich-Vietmeier at
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Aquatic Shrines

Aquatic Shrines

written by: Fay Marmalich-Vietmeier



“This far & no further”
Spoken as part of the Divine Design
.. aquatic shrines ..

Waters that wordlessly proclaim devotion
The Master set boundaries for the five great Oceans

How they will move .. what they will be
Teeming with LIFE .. breathing fresh breeze
In their embrace, they hold seven seas

Waves meet shores and collide with rocks .. SCULPTING lines
Earth meets sky .. horizons are hung .. art is redefined

Water meets land gently or in a SONG of fractal fury,
Giving birth to .. an ever-changing story

Crowned by clouds .. glints of light dance on hues of blue and green
The MAJESTY and mystery of these saline Queens
Whisper of the Infinite .. undiscovered .. not fully seen

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