Dunes John R Cobb·January 16, 2018Dunes written by: John R. Cobb @john_r_cobb Endless, barren dune Maritime winds, rippled sands Harsh sun, not...EnglishPoetry·1 min read
Mars John R Cobb·December 27, 2017Mars written by: John R. Cobb @john_r_cobb Crimson desert views Twilight skies of many hues Rising, two...EnglishPoetry·1 min read
Yellow Eyes John R Cobb·December 10, 2017Yellow Eyes written by: John R. Cobb @john_r_cobb Grampa always said, “Yellow eyes hasn’t been fed. Stay...PoetryEnglish·1 min read
Where Heaven Awaits John R Cobb·July 2, 2017Where Heaven Awaits written by: John R. Cobb @john_r_cobb When my life abates Kind spirits will guide...EnglishPoetry·1 min read
The Naked Tree John R Cobb·June 20, 2017The Naked Tree written by: John R. Cobb @john_r_cobb Winter forsaken Stout branches shorn and naked Spring...PoetryEnglish·1 min read
Winter Snow John R Cobb·February 22, 2017Winter Snow written by: John R. Cobb @john_r_cobb Gray skies overhead Twilight woodlands still and dead Snowflakes...PoetryEnglish·1 min read
Gray Frog John R Cobb·February 12, 2017Gray Frog written by: John R. Cobb @john_r_cobb Lovable gray frog Nights stalking worms in the bog...EnglishPoetry·1 min read
The Serpent John R Cobb·February 2, 2017The Serpent written by: John R. Cobb @john_r_cobb Silent, I slither Ravenous, must not dither Tadpole comes...EnglishPoetry·1 min read
Wretched Spirits John R Cobb·November 6, 2016Wretched Spirits written by: John R. Cobb @john_r_cobb Wretched spirits dwell Cursing children with a spell Find...EnglishPoetry·1 min read
Pitcher Plant John R Cobb·October 29, 2016Pitcher Plant written by: John R. Cobb @john_r_cobb Hither hungry fly Taste my nectar; don’t be shy...EnglishPoetry·1 min read
America John R Cobb·October 20, 2016America written by: John R. Cobb @john_r_cobb Countless stars agleam Homesick for America Was it just a...PoetryEnglish·1 min read
Lost Boy John R Cobb·October 10, 2016Lost Boy written by: John R. Cobb @john_r_cobb Life of want, no toys Did he ever feel...EnglishPoetry·1 min read
Monolith John R Cobb·August 18, 2016Monolith written by: John R. Cobb @john_r_cobb Legendary myth Chiseled by a great stonesmith Granite monolith...PoetryEnglish·1 min read
Afloat John R Cobb·August 11, 2016Afloat written by: John R. Cobb @john_r_cobb Red and yellow coat Seen far from my lobster boat...PoetryEnglish·1 min read