Autumn Crisp
written by: Jackie Shaffer
Autumn …Peaking… soon will end
Cyclical axis, shorter light rays, darker days
Sweaters, scarves, mittens, as one ballet
Crunching boots crisping through spent leaves of pumpkin orange, squash yellow, cranberries
Winds sweetly whistling, encompassing sugar maple trees
Shadows cast, leaves noisily frolicking in wafted breeze
Squirrels, long in tooth, making known presence
Shed of cider floorboards, creaking, acorn thieves
Red cardinals trilling, chickadees chirping, year round tenants
My most beloved time of year
Steaming hot caramel chocolate nut brew
Blessed moments, savoring my view
Chilled mornings
Crisp air
Grass dew
Jackie Shaffer, a former administrator of a worldwide online poetry site with over 100,000 members, as-well as a current Administrator of an online prestigious poetry group. She is a creative storyteller, having journeyed through several adversities. She encourages others' emotional healing by sharing her works with aspiring poets, challenging them to explore feelings and experiences in written form. As to date, she has been published in 2 Anthology books which contribute their proceeds to a world wide charity for children. An Anthology collaboration book, published by McKinley Publishing. Several poems published online by Spillwords Press, a literary magazine. Family is the most important thing in her life. She is married with 2 adult children and has 4 grandsons. She enjoys reading, gardening and socializing with friends as well as playing cards and board games. She has a love for baking. She continues to grow poetically by exploring different topics as her subject matter.
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