Blintzes to Savor
written by: Jill Sharon Kimmelman
For Mom
A treat began in mom’s childhood
a gift learned from her mother
As a child, I would marvel at the ease
in which mom expertly flipped those impossibly light crepes
She has made them all her life
filled freezers in an array of flavors
We are the joyful recipients of blintzes simply crowned
with sour cream and snickerdoodle sugar
Mom’s ancient tired hands carry the recipe, like DNA
she could make them blind
We do not speak much in hugs and kudos
with blintzes between us,
nothing can ever stay wrong for long.
Jill Sharon Kimmelman is a two time Pushcart Prize-nominee in Poetry. She is also a Best Of The Net, 2018 nominee. She has contributed back cover text & poems to themed-anthologies and more than 60 diverse literary publications. Recent publications include: Vita Brevis Press, Spillwords Press, Fine Lines Journal, The Poet Magazine, Transcend Zero Press, ILA Magazine, Better Than Starbucks Poetry & Fiction Journal, Blossoms Journal Progressive Literary and Cultural Society ( PLCS ) & Prolific Pulse Press, LLC & World Inkers Network. You Are The Poem, her debut, is a 3-themed collection poetry art book. It is available everywhere online books are sold. The ebook/iBook version includes a 4th themed collection. Each collection is introduced by slice-of-life collages with photos dating back to 1939. Jill lives in Wilmington, Delaware, USA with her husband Tim Little. She is the proud mother of her son, Jordan.
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