written by: Valli Henry-Boldini
“Come back here!” he shouts as she opens their front door and walks out, suitcase in hand.
“Come back babes. You know I love you.”
Her ears are deaf to him. She has had enough of his lies. His cheating. His empty promises. His drinking. His anger. His fists. She places her hand where her growing baby once lay. The immense joy she felt has been replaced with a deep sadness. How could he have kicked her down the stairs.
“Come on love. We can try again. It was an accident. You know that I didn’t mean to hurt you.”
She can no longer forgive him. Head held high she calmly walks through the garden gate.
He shouts again. “You won’t last without me. You’re too old and ugly for anyone else to want you! You’ll run back. I know!”
No emotions escape her tired eyes. “Freedom at last. Breathe,” she whispers.
I am more and more saddened at how many women have been killed lately by jealous husbands or partners who feel they have the right to possess someone and also deprive them of their life. Here in Italy, it’s a daily occurrence. Something drastic has to be done to stop this happening.
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