Do You Believe In Magic? written by Shawntelle Moncy at

Do You Believe In Magic?

Do You Believe In Magic?

written by: Shawntelle Moncy



I think the power within us goes far overlooked in modern days. We can light up a lightbulb, shock someone with just our fingers and yet we deny we have a massive energy within us! Energy able to heal ourselves. I’ve always thought about that when I see people come back to life on TV with nothing but a powerful electric shock to the chest.

It is like our supernatural power we have lost touch with, lost the control and meaning behind it all.

If you look up some definitions of energy, you’ll see that no matter the distance between energies, it remains connected. Therefore, we are one with all energy.

Do we even understand what that means?!

I am one with the person sitting next to me and the person in India, the dog on the street and the tree at the park. One with this entire universe, this big ball of energy that spreads further than the eye can see. I am a spiritual person, but this isn’t just some spiritual rubbish, this is science!

People that are in tune with this energy can heal people with a few simple touches and tell someone’s past, present and future. Don’t just think it’s only these individuals that are considered lucky to have such talents, they are just connected with it!

When I say this, I don’t mean they are connected with this mysterious secret, I more mean that they are connected with themselves, with their spirit; what lies beyond the day-to-day tasks and thoughts.

We’ve seem to have grown too used to experiencing magic around us and forgetting that we are magic ourselves. We’ve forgotten that child-birth is a miracle, a seed that grows into a giant tree is miraculous. We live in a gorgeous world of bounty with glowing, endless colors around us, a moon that controls our tides and behaviors, spinning around a giant ball of fire and we don’t believe in magic?

Today, we are told to be “realistic”, asking us to lose touch with what is truly real, closing the third eye of wisdom and intuition and replacing it with “realism”.

But you are magic! You are the butterfly, the flower, the moon and the stars. You are the universe! This is why yogi’s, who know their spirits so well, have no attachments with their physical bodies and do not fear death, because they know their spirit wanders on. Now tell me that’s not magic.

Let’s use the law of attraction as another example, a method I have brought into my life for the past year, which is like truly using your incredible mind for all it was meant to be used for. I can best describe it similar to karma, when the universe gives us back what we’ve already given. But this law of attraction goes even deeper; everything you think, whether it be conscious or subconsciously, comes back to us. If we choose to react to a situation with negativity, we will be given negativity. If we choose to react to it positively and choose to be grateful for all the things you have in your life instead of dwelling on what you don’t have, positivity and more good things will come your way.

Everything you do, everything you think, ripples upon the universe and you create what you wish to create! Is that not magic!? The people who have used this method in their lives, have literally created the life of their dreams.

I’ve heard of many stories of people who have serious illnesses, simply telling themselves that they have no disease, they are perfectly healthy and continue to live their lives as so. Many of these people will be healed, because they healed themselves. This may not happen to all, but it has happened enough to realize that it is effective. Simply meditating can heal depression, anxiety and stress.

When I first started using the law of attraction to heal my mind, body and spirit of negative energies, I started with meditation. I’ve meditated before, but I never knew the outcome I was really looking for, which made it useless to me.

Something I started doing every single morning for anywhere from five to forty-five minutes was sitting down in a quiet space for a moment, closing my eyes and being content in my current state. Doing and thinking of absolutely nothing but my breath and being bliss while just being present. Noticing that my breath and my heartbeat was a miracle in itself.

After I meditate for a good amount of time I would name all the things I was grateful for that day, no matter how simple. I’m grateful for this coffee I have this morning, the water, the food, that I have a home and people who love me.

I’ve noticed that physically saying the smallest things I’m grateful for, made me realize that I had no reasoning at all to be dissatisfied. I realized that it was selfish really, and I was so fortunate to have things that I thought were day-to-day necessities that some people do not have.

The next thing I would do is imagine myself connected to Mother Earth, from my root chakra (at the base of the spine) to the core of the Earth and my crown chakra (the top of the head) to the universe and imagine my body to radiate the Earth’s energy and light, in and all around me.

Visualizing things like this is a very powerful tool and has really helped my spiritual energy. Once I feel full of energy, I like to meditate with it for a while, soak in the powerful aura and send it out to whomever I want to send my light out to today.

One of the most important things of the end of my meditation will include affirmations that I feel need be for the day. Telling myself that I am confident, strong, present and grateful. I would name things until I couldn’t think of anything else, anything I felt I needed in my life.

Practicing these steps really started my journey as a spiritual woman and got me out of a depressed time of being dissatisfied with my life. My progress has made me realize that energy and bliss is within me and it has been a beautiful journey.

The key is believing, it’s time we start believing in our amazing selves!

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